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Remote Learning Class 3

Hello Class 3, 

I hope all is well. 

Please find some useful links on this page for home learning. 

Remember too, that you also have access to TTrockstars for maths times table practice. Or practise your times tables using Topmarks Hit the Button; ( 

Stay safe and have fun. 

Best wishes, 

Mrs Sadler


English - We are starting to look at instruction writing. This Oak Academy lesson is a good starting place. Have a go at writing your own instructions for a monster pizza. 


Unit: Monster Pizza - Instructions | KS2 English | Oak National Academy (


Alternatively read a recipe book or follow instructions for a board game, then have a go at writing your own set of instructions for a game you have made up. 


Maths - We have been practising different ways to calculate subtraction and addition. These Oak Academy lesson are a good way to revise and consolidate our skills. 


1) Lesson: Applying a range of strategies to mentally calculate subtraction | KS2 Maths | Oak National Academy (


2) Lesson: Applying a range of strategies to mentally calculate addition | KS2 Maths | Oak National Academy (


Science - Our unit for science is 'Animals, including humans'. This Oak Academy lesson asks you to think about how animals are adapted to their environment. Towards the end of the lesson you get to design your own animal, thinking carefully about how it adapts to the environment it lives in. I cannot wait to see your designs! 


Lesson: What is an adaptation? | KS2 Science | Oak National Academy (


History - We are learning about the Stone Age to the Iron Age. We have started to think about what was left behind by the people during this period and have talked a little about Skara Brae in Orkney. This Oak Academy lesson will focus on different historical places from the Stone Age to Iron Age period. Enjoy learning about them and see what interesting facts you will discover! 


Lesson: What can monuments tell us about the Prehistoric period? | KS2 History | Oak National Academy (


Alternatively, visit this Oak Academy lesson to learn more about Skara Brae. 

Lesson: What was life like in a Neolithic settlement? | KS2 History | Oak National Academy (


Reading - Reading is always important and a fun activity to do. You will have read a lot today, but don't forget to read for pleasure. Dive into your favourite story and be carried away to another land. 

Alternatively, these Oak Academy lessons help us to think about what reading for pleasure actually means and shows us different ways to engage with it. Choose one of the three lessons (or take part in them all) and enjoy exploring what reading means to you. 


Unit: Reading for Pleasure Year 3 | KS2 English Reading for Pleasure | Oak National Academy (



