Wellbeing and Mental Health
At Martock Primary School, we support our children to achieve all their goals, including personal, social and emotional. Our PSHE Jigsaw scheme allows all children to learn about relationships, resilience and keeping themselves safe.
Our Senco, Mrs Lloyd, leads a team of ELSA trained staff to offer support and guidance to the children. ELSA stands for emotional literacy support assistant. Sessions can be offered for children for a variety of reasons. Sometimes families have difficulties, concerns and experiences where more support might be needed. This can be for those suffering from changes, challenges, bereavement and more.
Some children may need support to manage friendships, anxieties and mental health concerns. Our staff are well trained to support your child.
If you feel that your child would benefit from support, you should speak to your class teacher. A consent form will be given to you and your child will be added to our waiting list.
The school also runs cookery classes and Forest school classes to support specific needs and goals.
Forest School
Many children benefit from structured forest school activities in our lovely grounds. Mrs Cregan runs afternoon sessions with specific groups based upon specific targets for the children to achieve. They enjoy learning how to work together, work within the outdoor environment as well as developing self confidence.
Support for parents
If you would like some help or advice, you are welcome to come and see Mrs Lloyd, our Senco, or the class teachers. We are all here to help you. There are also local agencies who offer support.