Year 2 Curriculum
Termly Curriculum Overviews
Here is what we will be learning each term:
In Year 2, we are following the Hamilton Trust scheme of work. The children will be building their skills over the year and have opportunities to apply those with some problem solving. The overview can be found below:
Long term plan 23-24
Read Write Inc Phonics
We will continue to assess the children and their phonic knowledge and reading fluency this year. Some children will continue to access the Read Write Inc program at the level they need. As they reach a greater level of reading fluency, they will then move off the program.
Phonic Screening Check
The children who did not meet the pass mark in the check last year, will retake the check in the Summer term. They will continue to practice in their phonics groups and later practise in readiness for the check.
End of Key Stage Assessments
The children will be completing the end of Key Stage assessments in the Summer Term. These will be in reading, writing and maths. As with all of our other assessments, the children will be 'showing off' and we will not be making them aware of the fact that these are different to any other time, except they may be in colour! There will be further information nearer the time.